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How to create QR codes in Canva

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How to create QR Code in Canva

This post is for you if you've ever wondered how to make and add a QR code to digital graphics and print documents. 

You can quickly generate and add a special QR Code to your drawings in just a few simple steps.

Because they are so simple to use, QR Codes are excellent marketing tools. To link to our websites, social media accounts, online stores and items, author profiles, and more, we can make QR Codes.

What are QR codes you ask? QR - short for "quick response". In a brief summary, they hold data that can be quickly accessed by scanning the QR Code with the phone's camera. This data includes website and social network accounts, among other things.

So how to create a QR code for your marketing materials?

It is simple and it can be done in under 2 minutes! Literally!

First, let's head over to Canva is an awesome free graphic design tool, ideal even for people that aren't design savvy! You are perfectly fine using only the free version, but if you would like to try out the PRO features I do have a 30-day free trial link right here!

How to create QR codes in Canva

So, I've created my design in Canva, and I'm now ready to add the QR Code.

The QR Code symbol can be found in the list of options on the left-side panel as seen in the image below. You can find it as a separate button or in the 'More' menu.

Select the QR Code button. Scroll down if you can't see it.

How to create QR Code in Canva

The QR Code window will open, as seen below.

Now you can enter the URL that you want to use to link to the QR Code.

How to create QR Code in Canva

I used my website's URL.

Here you can also do the customization to your QR code, adjust the colors, margins, etc.

Next, select Generate Code.

How to create QR Code in Canva

Now your design will include the QR Code!

When you are done designing you just click on 'Share' and download your design as an image or PDF file.

How to create QR Code in Canva

This was easy!

The QR Code is currently functional in your image. I told you it would be easy!

I hope this post is useful and inspires you to start incorporating QR Codes in your designs and marketing materials if you aren't already.

See you in the next tutorial!!!!


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How to create QR codes in Canva

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